saint petersburg
Finally, around midnight, the exhausted host stopped the dancing and asked that dinner be served. He then went off to bed
Наконец около полуночи усталый хозяин прекратил танцы, приказал давать ужин, а сам отправился спать
Alexander Pushkin, “Dubrovsky” (1841)
Before one even understands who Yellowhead may be, it’s entirely possible that a second oddity will transpire, that of “56 Stuff.” Who––put simply––is Yellowhead and what on earth is 56 Stuff? That second term refers to both “an international creative community and a record label,” based in Saint Petersburg.
Yellowhead adds a little context, if begrudgingly: “Since 1998 we have released and distributed music; organized events; and then produced and published lots of fun stuff.” All creative types involved in 56 Stuff are declared the “finest” folks––precisely because of their artistic gifts.
Given that Yellowhead values artistic experimentation over common sense,. he asserts: “Our headquarters are in constant movement.” He then explains himself in precisely same manner elsewhere. “Yellowheadding is in progress. Please wait. It may take a few minutes, months or years.” Flows are much better than goals. His music, therefore, is meant to be “pure entertainment, without any pretension towards revelation. This is the pure joy of sound, pixels, and symbols. Sure, it’s sometimes complex, but it’s arrogance-free and devoid of high-brow concepts.”
“Imaginary creatures” populate his instrumentals. They are all “children of fancy,” as is their creator––who stubbornly refuses to give his name. Imagination trumps objective information.