Lofty are the highlands / Beclouded by the night / Noiseless are the valleys / As eventide alights
Горные вершины / Спят во тьме ночной; / Тихие долины / Полны свежей мглой
Mikhail Lermontov, “From Goethe” (1840)
Yayati is a one-man project from Sochi, the Russian Black Sea resort used for the 2014 Winter Olympics. The gentleman in question is Igor Fedoseev, who has described some of his most recent music in English as “noisy, obscure, [and] cloudy––but very warm and soothing. Slow techno-ish tracks. Perfect for dance-floors after hours or those twilight moments.” A town of leisure produces a suitable soundtrack.
Likewise, his current philosophy on a social networking account is summarized in a few sage words, usually attributed to Buddha: “There is no path to happiness. Happiness is the path.” Mr. Fedoseev introduces himself to the world with gratitude.
He is a significant figure in Russia’s southern scene, the distinguishing factor of which has been contentment, if not borderline hedonism, for quite a few years. Back in 2014, even , Russian observers were speaking of “a balance between raw techno and rustling, meditative soundscapes.” Little, thankfully, has changed. Mindfulness has traveled a long way.
Soundcloud / VK / Bandcamp